Sponsor opportunity
This file is dynamic in that changes will be continually made as
relationships change with various entities. Questions to USHGRS are
welcome.What will the future hold for the relationships? Crystal ball?
Who knows? We tell about our past and present on-going relationships.
And hopes. We do not know what the future will hold; but we work now
for a next richer-for-HG scene.
| AnswersAwaited | | | |

- Federal Aviation Administration FAA
parent S-SA's action in 1971 with the FAA to keep recreational hang
gliding without excessive regulation sets the platform for USHGRS'
contemporary relationship with the FAA. 103Club FAR 103
- https://www.faa.gov/pilots/
- https://www.faa.gov/aircraft/gen_av/light_sport/ Light Sport Aircraft
- AC 103-6 1983
- AC 103-7 1984
Reach for view of all waivers written regarding FAR
103. Do the wings at Torrey used for tandem have
airworthiness certificates; and are the same wings used for FAR 103
flights? What is FAA ruling now?

- Soaring Society of America
- USHGRS mines data from SSA for certification of ratings of some HG Pilots.
- USHGS has no official agreements with SSA.
- Soaring Safety Foundation
- The United States Statutes at Large
- USHGRS is studying statutes in order discover how the FFFF SUP is flawed.


- USHGRS asked for FOIA documents relating to FF hang
gliding. Answer is pending.
- USHGRS asked for a ruling about a category of HG Pilots
that are great visitors to the People's lands and will not have
membership in a private corporation as condition of equitable treatment
for recreating in the Peoples' lands managed by GGNRA. Answer is
- USHGRS is corresponding with Charles Strickfaden of GGNRA.
- James Sword ...pending reply for PDF for SUP 2018.
- Coercion for recreational visitor to join private
corporation is not sitting well with those who believe the government
should not force park visitors to inequitably burdened and especially
not to corce individual visitors to join private entities.
- Self-Soar
Association S-SA
S-SA was conceived from minimal free-flight that occurs in human
leaping and high jumping followed up with growing wings.
- USHGRS is a child of S-SA. S-SA is a spirit cousin to SSA.
- The first United States Hang Glider
- USHGRS founder founded USHGA, the first.
- The second USHGA (Gliding), now morphed to USHPA (majorly paragliding)
- was co-founded by the founder of the first USHGA (Glider);
thus "Gliding" was co-founded by the founder of USHGRS. Such org
morphed its name as it married paragliding. Since the morphed org does
some core repugnant actions in our view, the relationship has hardened
with distance and coldness.There are yet no official communications
between USHGRS and the primarily paraglider association.
- USHGRS mines data about members of the morphed org from
that org's realm.
- USHGRS has invited some directors of that org to join a key
conversation about Fort Funston; the conversation open to all is
occurring in HERE.
Sept. 2018 MGF did not yet arrive at the conversation.
is relating to USHPA with an anticipation that USHPA
may morph further to hold any and all foci of a generalized pilot
free-flight, and so USHGRS firms a mission to a narrower service focus
on recreational hang gliding only. USHGRS is preparing for what seems
to be occurring: a collapse of satisfying service from USHPA to
recreational hang gliding. So, an independent rating
certification system was born : USHGRS.
- US Hawks Hang Gliding Association
- There are no official relationship documents between
USHGRS and US Hawks HGA.
- USHGRS mines data from the forum of US Hawks HGA.
- USHGRS adds the ratings stated by US Hawks HGA to our
certification cases as we move to conclusion for statements of ratings
made by USHGRS; the process is not automatic; critical
overview of their data is practiced at USHGRS.
- USHGRS has been in forum invited to communicate with the HG world in the forum.
- USHGRS does participate in that forum and has been
benefited by the conversations there. Critiques and suggestions keep
arriving from those posting in that forum.
- Oz Report forum
- USHGRS seems to be allowed to post politely in the forum at Oz Report.
- USHGRS has received benefit from posters in that forum.
- USHGRS mines the messages of that forum for data to be used in the certification-of-pilot ratings.
- There is no official documents between USHGRS and Oz Report.
- Mid Sept 2018 without notice a mild topic thread "Pilot Pages" was locked. USHGRS just asked Davis for the reason. Reply is pending.
- Jack's forum
- That forum has yet to amend its obliteration of USHGRS
posted topic. sg, the owner and moderator installed false text and
false text linking in the obliteraton actions. USHGRS has sent many
invitations for him to correct the obliterations. USHGRS gets full
silent treatement over such invitations. sg blocked USHGRS's
representative from posting in his forum.
Fellow Feathers of Fort Funston, a non-profit corporation is having
ever to protect its private interests. Right now it is configured in a
way that blocks an important faction of the HG world from equitable
access to the US airspace and the Peoples' lands.
- USHGRS and FFFF have no official relationship.
- In September of 2018 the forum at FFFF erased the four
messages of three years of the USHGRS's representative and blocked the
representative from any further participation in that forum. Such is
not a fun relationship. Most of the erased posts are copied and hosted
within US Hawks forum for public review and discussion.
- USHGRS mines FFFF public text to feed ratings certification processes.
- USHGRS invited the officers of that entity to join in the
conversation about changing to a FF hang gliding scene where a certain
category of park visitor is equitably treated. One of the officers has
joined the core conversation HERE. Circa Sept 2018.
- USHGRS is active to have HG Pilots of all fair categories to be not blocked by any FFFF action.
- USHGRS has observers and reporters over actions of HG
Pilots that fly at FF for the feeding of data into ratings'
certification cases which is the core mission of USHGRS.
- Requested removal of ban from forum and reinstall removed posts. Reply is pending.
- World Hang Gliding Association WHGA
- USHGRS is on good terms with the WHGA.
- WHGA posts a firm link on that the front page of WHGA's website.
- The founder of S-SA founded WHGA.
- USHGRS has communicated with WHGA an encouragement that
WHGA aim to encourage each nation or state to have some independent HG
Pilot rating agency as USHGRS is for US airspace. Independent of
associations, businesses, schools, instructors.
- Energy Kite Systems www.energykitesystems.net
- There is a tight and close relationship between USHGRS
and EnergyKiteSystems.net as the owners of both entities are the
- EnergyKiteSystems hosts heavy files for USHGRS.
EnergyKiteSystems.net hosts heavy files for many other entities related
to recreational hang gliding.
- Most of recreational hang gliding is a kind of kite
flying where the HG Pilot is the major kite system's moving anchor
tethered through kite line(s) to the opposing kited wing; the net
system is free-flight kiting where the system glides.
- What is the relationsip of USHGRS with itself? What is its primary focus?
- It is really happy with the opportunity to provide a
ratings certifcation service for recreating hang glider pilots who use
US airspace for their leaps and flights into the sky.
- Its primary focus:
make statements of ratings for HG pilot proficiency that are backed by
a robust certification process on each case. Make such rating statement
available to the world via a few seconds of effort when one is open to
the Internet.
- Some ride-along flows are treasured:
- HG-interest enhancing via secondary page-cells content
- Actions aimed at opening access points for individuals to hang glide.
- Serve resources useful for growing and maintaining HG knowledge and skills.
- American Ultralight Association Inc. AUA

- Experimental Aircraft Association
- James Hobson
- Robert Lovejoy
- Volmer Jensen
- The 103 Club http://forum.the103.club/
- USHGRS is on the initial list of entities that state ratings for a sector of FAR 103 pilots
- American Kitefliers Association
- USHGRS mines data from AKA to help complete some cases of rating some HG Pilots.
- World ParaGliding Association WPGA
- USHGRS is working with WPGA to get the PDMC message out
to anyone using or intending to use a high aspect ratio soaring
- United State Parachute Association
- USHGRS keeps wondering why they do not adopt paragliders and speed flying canopy gliders.
- USHGRS has not yet any official relation ship with USPA.
- USHGRS mines data from USPA for some cases involving HG Pilots.

- Microlight
and Ultralight
- USHGRS first interface: Sept. 25, 2018.
- Second TCF
- Trike
- Powered wings
- Most are within FAR 103.
- "Welcome to the group dedicated to information and as a directory.
SSDR, Sub-70 kg, Nanolights, Ultralights, Part 103, Gyroplanes and
other recreational aircraft from around the world are all covered.
Kits, Plans, Designs, Mods, Electric flight are all welcome.
Explore and contribute!"
- US: if FAR 103, registration is not required.


- First Flight Insurance Group, Inc
- Sent offer for spot. USHGRS or/and USHGIA. Sept. 25, 2018.
- eHG, eHangGlider, eFLPHG,
- Civil
Air Patrol, US Airforce
- USHGRS envisions hang gliders doing good deeds.
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- National Association of Flight Instructors NAFI
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- United States Hang Gliding Instructors Association USHGIA
- USHGRS founding 2018, Sept. 25, 2018
- Registry of HG instructors
- Receive reports from coaches, mentors, and instructors
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